Comment from Revive

Assalamualaikum and greetings!

I made this blog specially to display my picture which was taken using my Nikon D90 or nikon coolpix. I hope you will like my work and please give any comment (good or bad). Anyways, I just want to say thank you to my friends especially hisfoto.blogspot, redchokolate.blogspot and especially ifpics.blogspot even though I don’t know you in person but your inspire me. That why the motto for this blog is “with passion and desire” - The passion of photography and the desire to be good in it.

Lastly, to my other friends and my girlfriend, thank you for everything and the support.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Modelling - Niza Chan

Hello blogger. This is the latest update on the photoshoot. Now it’s the girls turn and this is Niza-chan. She love anime and any Japanese stuff that why she have “-chan” in her name. As for the girls, we don’t give them any theme because we just want them to be themselves and have fun. Since she has to go home early so I didn’t have a lot of picture of her but it still a pleasure to work with her. Thanks for the day..

By the way, this is setting of the day:
Shutter: 1/200 or 1/160
Aperture: F 10, F 13, F14, F16 or F20
Mode: Manual
Flash Mode: Built in, TTL
White Balance: Preset

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